Commission Processing

A commission processing service is also offered, for customers who wish to add value to their own raw materials. (farmers & grower bodies).
This service includes the choice of modified worsted, fully worsted or wrap spun yarns, depending on your application & includes the processing of coloured fibre.


Get in touch with us to talk about your fibre needs.

    Ian’s textile career spans some 40 years. Originally from Ireland, where he spent a number of years, with James Mackie & Sons, initally in the engineering & design side, then machine erection & sales internationally. He moved to New Zealand in 1978, where he located , installed & commissioned the original machinery for the Design Spun mill.
    Ian is widely recognised as one of the best textile people in Australasia if not further afeild.


    Ian B. Kelly: Technical

    Peter is well known in the textile trade, in both New Zealand & Australia. Peter is originally from the home of textiles, Yorkshire England. He was involved in various sectors of the trade in the UK, before moving to New Zealand in 1975 to work at NZ Wool Spinners in Danniverke.
    Peter was involved with the establishment of the marketing company, then the spinning mill that eventually became Design Spun.
    He is also highly regarded by the trade for his extensive yarn & application knowledge.


    Peter Chatterton: Sales/Marketing

    Brendan is General Manager at Design Spun & has been associated with the mill since 1989. Prior to this his background has been in the areas of business administration & commercial accounting, locally & in England.
    His responsibilities also include IT management & stategic planning & has been instrumental in the various stages of Design Spuns development.


    Brendan P. Jackson: Finance/Administration & general management.